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Format: MS WORD  |  Chapter: 1-5  |  Pages: 61  |  1066 Users found this project useful  |  Price NGN5,000






1.1   Background to the Study 

Numerous studies, such those conducted by Fullana Noe (2020) and Montero Marcos (2021), have been conducted in an effort to get an understanding of the factors that are responsible for the poor academic performance of pupils. Studies that attempt to uncover what factors lead to academic failure are usually conducted in response to crucial crises or to conditions of change, such as proposals for educational reform. The basic idea of academic failure may be defined in a number of different ways. Academic failure, according to Radriguez (2019), is defined as the scenario in which the subject does not obtain the anticipated success according to his or her ability. This results in a transformed personality, which impacts all other aspects of life( Radriguez, 2019).

Tapia (2020) makes a similar observation, stating that the current educational system gives the impression that a student has failed if he or she does not pass the test. However, a more appropriate criterion for determining academic failure is whether or not the student performed below his or her potential. The Grade Point Average (GPA) is a metric that is often used to evaluate students' overall academic achievement. In order to proceed with the degree program, one must keep their grade point average over a certain threshold. At the University of Lagos, a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or more is seen as a sign of strong academic success. Sandwich students have a number of challenges that may prevent them from achieving and maintaining a high grade point average (GPA) that is reflective of their overall academic achievement while they are enrolled in university. The authorities in charge of the sandwich program's faculty might use these elements as a basis for designing measures to enhance students' learning and improve their overall academic performance.

The following are some of the elements that, according to previous study, have been shown to have a significant impact on academic achievement among sandwich students at the University of Lagos:

(1) Material resources; (2) Human resources; and (3) Instructional resources

2. Anxiety or a fear of examinations

3. effective time management for kids who eat sandwiches

4.  Academic competence

5. Study methods. 6. Age 7. Marital status

The academic performance of sandwich students, who engage in a unique educational structure that combines periods of study with practical work experience, is influenced by various factors that necessitate a comprehensive examination. Firstly, the dual demands of managing academic commitments alongside work responsibilities can be a significant factor affecting performance. Sandwich programs often require students to balance coursework with employment, and striking the right equilibrium between these two facets is crucial. Radriguez (2019),

Moreover, the support systems available to sandwich students play a pivotal role in determining their academic success. Factors such as the quality of mentorship, access to resources, and the overall learning environment impact their ability to excel. Institutions offering sandwich programs must prioritize providing robust support structures to aid students in managing the challenges associated with their dual roles. Tapia (2020)

Additionally, personal and socio-economic factors contribute to the academic performance of sandwich students. Family obligations, financial constraints, and societal pressures may influence their ability to focus on studies, potentially impacting their performance. Understanding and addressing these external pressures is essential for developing strategies to enhance academic outcomes.

1.2       Statement of the Problem   

The academic performance of sandwich students, who engage in a unique educational structure that combines periods of study with practical work experience, is influenced by various factors that necessitate a comprehensive examination. Firstly, the dual demands of managing academic commitments alongside work responsibilities can be a significant factor affecting performance. Sandwich programs often require students to balance coursework with employment, and striking the right equilibrium between these two facets is crucial. Moreover, the support systems available to sandwich students play a pivotal role in determining their academic success. Factors such as the quality of mentorship, access to resources, and the overall learning environment impact their ability to excel. Institutions offering sandwich programs must prioritize providing robust support structures to aid students in managing the challenges associated with their dual roles. Additionally, personal and socio-economic factors contribute to the academic performance of sandwich students. Family obligations, financial constraints, and societal pressures may influence their ability to focus on studies, potentially impacting their performance. Understanding and addressing these external pressures is essential for developing strategies to enhance academic outcomes. Another aspect of the problem lies in the teaching methodologies and curriculum design within sandwich programs. The effectiveness of teaching strategies and the relevance of course content to students' practical experiences are critical factors that can influence academic performance. If the curriculum does not align with students' professional roles or fails to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical skills, it may hinder their ability to apply what they learn in real-world settings. Furthermore, the overall learning environment, including classroom dynamics, institutional support services, and access to resources, can significantly impact students' academic performance. Issues such as overcrowded classrooms, limited access to academic advisors or mentors, and inadequate learning materials can impede students' progress and hinder their ability to reach their full academic potential. In summary, the academic performance of sandwich students is influenced by a complex interplay of factors related to time management, support systems, teaching methodologies, curriculum design, and the learning environment. Addressing these issues requires a comprehensive understanding of the unique challenges faced by sandwich students and the development of targeted interventions to support their academic success.

1.3    Objectives of the Study

The primary aim of this study is to examined factors affecting the academic performance of sandwich students The specifics objectives are to:

1.  To Identify Challenges Faced by Sandwich Students.

2.  To Assess the Adequacy of Support Systems.

3.  Examine Curriculum Relevance and Integration.

4.  Evaluate the Learning Environment.

1.4   Research Questions:

What are the primary challenges faced by sandwich students in managing their academic commitments alongside their professional responsibilities?

How effective are the existing support systems provided by educational institutions in assisting sandwich students?

To what extent is the curriculum aligned with the practical experiences of sandwich students in their workplaces?

What factors within the learning environment contribute to or hinder the academic success of sandwich students?

1.5      Research Hypotheses:

Hypothesis 1: There is a significant relationship between the challenges faced by sandwich students in managing academic and professional commitments and their academic performance.

Hypothesis 2: The existing support systems provided by educational institutions significantly influence the academic performance of sandwich students.

Hypothesis 3: The curriculum's alignment with the practical experiences of sandwich students in their workplaces has a significant impact on their academic performance

Hypothesis 4 Factors within the learning environment significantly contribute to or hinder the academic success of sandwich students.

1.6       Significance of the Study

Educational Improvement: Understanding the challenges faced by sandwich students and their impact on academic performance can inform educational institutions about areas needing improvement. Insights gained from the study can help in refining teaching methods, support services, and curriculum alignment, leading to enhanced educational experiences.

Policy Formulation: Policymakers can utilize the study's findings to develop policies that address the specific needs of sandwich students. Tailored policies can create a conducive learning environment for students managing both academic and professional commitments, fostering an atmosphere conducive to academic success.

Student Support: The study provides insights into the support systems necessary for sandwich students. Educational institutions can use this information to strengthen existing support structures or introduce new initiatives that cater to the unique needs of this student demographic.

Career Development: Understanding how the academic experiences of sandwich students align with their professional commitments can contribute to improved career development strategies. The study's findings may inform institutions about ways to integrate real-world experiences into the curriculum, preparing students for successful transitions between academia and the workforce.

Research Contribution: The study adds to the body of knowledge on factors influencing academic performance, particularly among sandwich students. Researchers can build on these findings for future investigations, creating a foundation for ongoing scholarly discourse in the field of education.

Student Empowerment: By identifying factors affecting academic performance, the study empowers sandwich students to recognize and address challenges proactively. Awareness of these factors can guide students in making informed decisions about managing their academic and professional commitments effectively.

Institutional Accountability: Institutions can utilize the study's outcomes to assess their effectiveness in supporting the academic journey of sandwich students. The findings may encourage institutions to be more responsive to the needs of this student group, fostering an environment conducive to success.

1.7      Scope of the Study

The scope of this study encompasses a comprehensive examination of the various factors influencing the academic performance of sandwich students. The investigation will focus on individuals pursuing sandwich programs, which involve the integration of academic and professional commitments. The study aims to explore the multifaceted challenges and opportunities faced by these students within the educational context.

Geographically, the study will concentrate on a specific region or educational institutions offering sandwich programs to ensure a more focused analysis. Additionally, the research will consider a defined time frame, taking into account the evolving nature of educational methodologies, support systems, and the professional landscape.

The scope extends to a thorough exploration of both quantitative and qualitative aspects, involving surveys, interviews, and academic performance records. Factors such as workload management, time constraints, institutional support, and the integration of practical experiences into the academic curriculum will be scrutinized.

The study will involve sandwich students from various disciplines, providing a holistic perspective on the challenges and successes experienced across different fields of study. Special attention will be given to the role of technology, the effectiveness of support services, and the influence of work-related stressors on academic outcomes.

The research scope acknowledges the dynamic nature of education and the professional landscape. It aims to offer insights that can inform educational institutions, policymakers, and support services in enhancing the academic experiences and outcomes of sandwich students. By delving into the unique challenges faced by this demographic, the study seeks to contribute valuable knowledge that can be utilized for educational improvements and the overall well-being of sandwich students.

1.8   Definition of Term

Curriculum relevance refers to the alignment factors affecting the academic performance of sandwich students .In this study, it involves;

Academic Performance: The measurable outcomes of a student's educational achievements, typically assessed through grades, examination results, and overall mastery of subject matter.

Sandwich Students: Individuals enrolled in educational programs characterized by alternating periods of academic study and practical work experience, offering a blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on application.

Workload Management: The effective distribution and organization of academic and professional tasks to optimize productivity and mitigate stress among students.

Time Constraints: The limitations on available time for students due to academic commitments, work responsibilities, and other personal obligations, potentially impacting their ability to meet academic requirements.

Institutional Support: The resources, services, and guidance provided by educational institutions to enhance the learning experience and facilitate academic success.

Practical Experiences: Hands-on learning opportunities, internships, and work placements that allow students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings.

Quantitative Aspects: Elements of the study that involve numerical data and statistical analysis, providing measurable insights into academic performance and related factors.

Qualitative Aspects: Non-numerical aspects of the study, such as narratives, perceptions, and experiences, offering a deeper understanding of the subjective aspects influencing academic performance.

Support Services: Resources and assistance offered by educational institutions to aid students in overcoming challenges, including counseling, tutoring, and academic advising.

Technology Integration: The incorporation of technological tools and platforms into the educational process to enhance learning experiences and support academic endeavors.

Professional Landscape: The broader context of employment and career opportunities within a specific field or industry, influencing the career trajectories and choices of sandwich students.



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