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Format: MS WORD  |  Chapter: 1-5  |  Pages: 68  |  840 Users found this project useful  |  Price NGN5,000






1.1    Background to the Study 

Population in biology is referred to as the total number of organisms of the same species in a given habitat at a given time. In respect of human population, population can be defined as the total number of people in a given country (Obueh, 2019). The size and structure of human population have been completely changed by a number of factors including higher incomes, improved nutrition, safe and sufficient water and sanitation, wide availability of immunization, high effective drugs against  infectious diseases, increased education and technological development. It is therefore correct to state that the economic growth of a nation is significantly dependent on the growth of its population. Nigeria is one of the fastest growing countries in the world with an estimated population of one hundred and forty million (140,000,000) and an annual population growth rate of 2.9% (Npc, 2006). Nigeria is the most populous nation in sub Saharan Africa and the tenth most populous in the world. However, the composition of this population is mainly in the youthful category with 49% being youths below the age of twenty-one (21) and a dependency ratio estimated at 89%. A large proportion of this population favours and is living in the rapidly expanding urban area, presently estimated at over 45.2% and will likely hit 55.4% mark by the year 2015 (UNDP, 2007).

With this statistics however, the population dynamics shows profound inequities and disproportions when analyzed with the development indicators, such as, twenty-one doctors per one hundred thousand people, infant mortality rate of 122 per 1000 live births, maternal of mortality over 980 per 100,000 live births, life expectancy at birth projected at 50. 1 years (population growth and economic development in Nigeria, 2018) Umeh (2019) suggested that the population of a place must be such that the available food can sustain it for a very long time. The question of population and population growth and the related food and growth in food population are serious concern to nations and their leaders. This is because increased population has direct consequence on food consumption in the most developing countries; population growth rate is close to crisis situation. World population statistics tell a powerful story about how people and nations around the world are changing. The world’s population is growing substantially every year, but the pace of growth varies dramatically from one region to another some countries have aging population and as a result, face future population decline while others still have young and rapidly growing populations. Each situation is associated with its own set of social, economic, environmental and political challenges (Obueh, 2019). However, the world population by mid 2010 reached 6. 892 billion according to the population reference Burea 2010 world population data sheet. Most future population growth will be in countries that have relatively large number of young people where large families are still the norm. Sub-Saharan Africa and Western Asia are the fastest growing regions of the world. In contrast, much of the industrialized world is experiencing much slower growth or even population decline. The United States in an exception in the industrialized world, mainly because of immigration and some what higher birth rates.

Population explosion, characterized by a rapid and unsustainable increase in the number of inhabitants, is a phenomenon that poses both opportunities and challenges to communities. In the context of Esan Central Local Government Area in Edo State, Nigeria, this demographic trend has significant implications for various aspects of life, including social, economic, and environmental factors. Esan Central, like many regions in Nigeria, has experienced a surge in population over the years. The causes of this population explosion are multifaceted, including high birth rates, improved healthcare leading to reduced mortality rates, and migration from rural to urban areas in search of better opportunities. While a growing population can contribute to economic development, it also presents challenges related to resource allocation, infrastructure development, and social services. One of the notable consequences of population explosion in Esan Central is increased pressure on social amenities and public services. Schools, healthcare facilities, and other essential services may struggle to accommodate the rising numbers, leading to a potential decline in service quality. Additionally, the demand for housing and employment opportunities intensifies, often outpacing the available resources. Economic implications arise as the labor market becomes saturated, potentially resulting in unemployment and underemployment. The agricultural sector, which is significant in Esan Central, may face challenges in providing sustainable livelihoods for the growing population. Balancing economic growth with the needs of an expanding population becomes a critical concern for policymakers. Environmental sustainability is another area impacted by population explosion. Increased human activities may lead to deforestation, habitat destruction, and greater waste generation. Sustainable urban planning and environmental conservation strategies become imperative to mitigate adverse effects on the local ecosystem.

Addressing population explosion in Esan Central requires a comprehensive approach that includes family planning education, healthcare improvements, and sustainable development initiatives. Empowering communities with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about family size, coupled with strategic investments in infrastructure and social services, can contribute to a more balanced and sustainable demographic trajectory. By understanding and proactively managing the challenges associated with population growth, Esan Central can harness the benefits of a growing population while mitigating potential negative impacts.

1.2            Statement of the Problem

The issue of population explosion in Esan Central Local Government Area of Edo State presents a multifaceted challenge that necessitates careful consideration and strategic intervention. This phenomenon is marked by an unprecedented and unsustainable increase in the number of residents, raising concerns about its impact on various aspects of the community. One of the primary problems associated with population explosion in Esan Central is the strain it places on existing social infrastructure and public services. The surge in population exerts immense pressure on schools, healthcare facilities, and other essential services, potentially leading to a decline in their quality and accessibility. This strains the capacity of these institutions to effectively cater to the needs of the growing populace.The rising demand for housing and employment opportunities is another critical aspect of the problem. The local economy may struggle to keep pace with the burgeoning population, resulting in challenges related to unemployment and underemployment. Additionally, the increased need for housing can lead to unplanned urbanization, placing further stress on available land and infrastructure.

Economic implications emerge as the labor market becomes saturated, potentially hindering sustainable economic growth. The agricultural sector, which is a significant contributor to the local economy, may face challenges in providing sufficient livelihoods for the growing population. This imbalance between population growth and economic opportunities poses a threat to the overall well-being of the community.Environmental sustainability is a pressing concern tied to population explosion. The accelerated human activities associated with a larger population may contribute to deforestation, habitat degradation, and increased waste generation. Balancing the needs of a growing population with environmental conservation becomes crucial for the long-term health of the ecosystem. Addressing the problem of population explosion in Esan Central requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach involving community leaders, policymakers, and relevant stakeholders. Strategies focused on family planning education, healthcare improvements, and sustainable development initiatives can play a pivotal role in mitigating the challenges posed by population growth. By identifying and addressing these issues proactively, Esan Central can work towards achieving a more balanced and sustainable demographic landscape.

1.3    Objectives of the Study

The primary aim of this study is to examine the population explosion in Esan central local government area of Edo state. The specifics objectives are to:

1.  Assess the Current Population Trends.

2.  Evaluate the Impact on Social Infrastructure.

3.  Examine Employment and Housing Dynamics.

4.  Develop Sustainable Population Management Strategies.

1.4   Research Questions:

1.  What are the current population trends in Esan Central Local Government Area?

2.  What is the impact of population explosion on social infrastructure, including education, healthcare, and public services in the area?

3.  How does population growth correlate with employment dynamics?

4.  What are the housing dynamics in response to population growth,?

1.5      Research Hypotheses:

Hypothesis 1: There is a significant correlation between population growth and the demand for social infrastructure in Esan Central Local Government Area.

Hypothesis 2: Population explosion has a significant impact on employment dynamics in Esan Central Local Government Area.

Hypothesis 3 There is a significant relationship between population growth and housing availability in Esan Central Local Government Area.

Hypothesis 4 Population growth significantly affects the local economy's ability to provide essential services in Esan Central Local Government Area.

1.6  Significance of the Study

The significance of studying population explosion in Esan Central Local Government Area of Edo State lies in its multifaceted impact on various aspects of socio-economic development. Understanding and addressing population issues in this region is crucial for informed policymaking and sustainable development. Here are the significances of the study:

Policy Formulation: The study will provide policymakers with valuable insights into the population dynamics of Esan Central. This information is essential for formulating effective policies related to infrastructure development, employment, housing, and service provision to meet the needs of the growing population.

Urban Planning: As population explosion often leads to increased urbanization, the study will aid urban planners in anticipating and addressing challenges related to housing, transportation, and infrastructure development in Esan Central Local Government Area.

Employment Strategies: Understanding the impact of population growth on employment dynamics is crucial for designing strategies to create job opportunities that align with the demographic changes in the area. This knowledge is vital for fostering economic development and reducing unemployment rates.

Housing Planning: The study will contribute to the formulation of housing policies that can accommodate the needs of a rapidly growing population. This is essential for preventing housing shortages and ensuring the provision of adequate and affordable housing for residents.

Resource Allocation: Knowledge of the relationship between population growth and the local economy's ability to provide essential services is vital for efficient resource allocation. It helps authorities allocate resources effectively to meet the increasing demand for services such as healthcare, education, and public utilities.

Environmental Sustainability: Population explosion can exert pressure on natural resources and the environment. The study's findings can guide environmental conservation efforts and sustainable development practices to ensure that the increased population does not lead to ecological degradation.

Community Development: The study contributes to community development by identifying areas that require targeted interventions. This includes identifying potential areas for infrastructure development, social amenities, and community engagement programs to enhance the overall well-being of the population.

Research Contribution: The study adds to the body of knowledge on population dynamics and their impact on local development. Researchers and academics can use the findings for further studies and contribute to the broader understanding of population-related challenges and opportunities.

1.7       Scope of the Study

The scope of this study on population explosion in Esan Central Local Government Area of Edo State encompasses a comprehensive examination of demographic trends, socio-economic factors, and the associated challenges and opportunities arising from rapid population growth. The study will focus on a specified time frame, demographic data, and key variables relevant to understanding the dynamics of population expansion in the region.Geographically, the study will concentrate specifically on Esan Central Local Government Area, considering its boundaries, population distribution, and the impact of urbanization. It will encompass both urban and rural settings within the local government area, providing a holistic view of the demographic changes across various communities. The temporal scope will cover a defined period, considering historical demographic data and trends over the past few decades, with a particular emphasis on the years leading up to the present. By narrowing the temporal focus, the study aims to identify patterns, causes, and consequences of population explosion within a specific timeframe.

Demographic variables such as birth rates, death rates, migration patterns, age distribution, and population density will be central to the study. These variables will be analyzed to understand the factors contributing to the observed population trends and their implications for socio-economic development. Socio-economic factors, including employment opportunities, housing availability, education, and healthcare infrastructure, will be examined to assess their correlation with population growth. The study will explore how these factors both influence and are influenced by the expanding population in Esan Central.In considering the scope, it is crucial to acknowledge potential limitations, such as data availability and the need for reliable sources. The study will rely on official census data, demographic surveys, and relevant literature to ensure the accuracy and credibility of the findings. By delving into the specified geographic, temporal, and demographic parameters, the study aims to provide a nuanced understanding of the population explosion in Esan Central. The insights gained will contribute to informed decision-making, enabling local authorities, policymakers, and stakeholders to implement targeted interventions for sustainable development in response to the challenges posed by population growth.

1.8      Definition of Term

Population Explosion: Population explosion refers to a sudden and significant increase in the size of a population, typically characterized by a rapid rise in birth rates and sustained population growth. It often leads to an imbalance between the number of individuals and available resources, posing challenges for social, economic, and environmental sustainability.

Demographic Trends: Demographic trends are patterns or shifts in population characteristics over time. These include changes in birth and death rates, age distribution, migration patterns, and other demographic factors that influence the structure of a population.

Socio-economic Factors: Socio-economic factors are conditions and variables that influence both social and economic aspects of a community or society. These factors encompass employment opportunities, income levels, education, healthcare access, and other elements that contribute to the overall well-being and development of a population.

Urbanization: Urbanization refers to the increasing proportion of a population living in urban areas, leading to the growth and expansion of cities. It involves the migration of people from rural to urban areas and is often accompanied by changes in lifestyle, infrastructure, and economic activities.

Temporal Scope: Temporal scope refers to the specific time period covered by a research study or analysis. It delineates the duration during which data is collected and analyzed to gain insights into trends, changes, or phenomena occurring within that defined timeframe.

Geographic Scope: Geographic scope defines the spatial extent covered by a study. It outlines the boundaries and locations included in the research, specifying the geographic area or region under consideration.

Demographic Variables: Demographic variables are measurable characteristics of a population, such as age, gender, ethnicity, income, and education. These variables are essential for understanding the composition and dynamics of a population.

Population Density: Population density is a measure of the number of individuals residing per unit area or volume. It is calculated by dividing the population of an area by its land area, providing insights into the concentration of people in a given space.

Sustainable Development: Sustainable development is an approach that seeks to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It involves balancing economic, social, and environmental considerations to ensure long-term well-being and resilience.



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