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Format: MS WORD  |  Chapter: 1-5  |  Pages: 72  |  839 Users found this project useful  |  Price NGN5,000







Leadership is an inspiration of individual authority that constructs increasingly progressing followers to achieve a shared goal. Leadership consists of explaining principles and taking action. Leadership "is an interpersonal skill that is essential in almost any situation where two or more people intend to perform a particular task." Leadership is defined as the long-term impact of human influence. In modern concepts, leadership serves as the means by which the organization achieves its goals. In this case, the success of the principal is in line with the overall performance of the team for the value of the team (Li, Sun, Taris, Xing and Peeters, 2021).

Leadership is the ability to influence, motivate and train followers to do their part in achieving goals and doing something for the benefit of employees. It is to encourage, empower and empower employees to contribute from their strengths to the development of communities within the organization. School leadership significantly affects morale, self-efficacy, stress management, and commitment of the teachers for achievement of targets within school. It is the capacity of encouragement of followers to achieve their goals, and display of straightforwardness (Wuryani, Rodlib, Sutarsib, Dewib, & Arifb, 2021).

School principals' leadership behavior has a significant effect on school learning culture. Most of the secondary school principals in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa use leadership competencies in administrative and academic areas of their concerned institutions. Research study reveals that a good quality connection between schools' principals and staff leads to constructive schools' educational performance. It was found that strong connection guarantees principal’s cognizance of instructors. Teachers become the agent of change, cooperative and improve pedagogical skills due to the disciplined and benevolent attitude of the principal. A strong and significant positive association between teachers’ commitment and school principals was documented among academic staff (Kamal, Mahmood & Ishaq, 2020).Increased morale not only makes them loyal and devoted but also makes them to give more energy and achieve better for their respective organizations (Soetjipto, Priyohadi, Sulastri, & Riswanto, 2021).

The situation of an individual’s strength, discovered by self-assurance, contentment, submission, and readiness to accomplish positive actions is decency. Decency is a sagacity of trust, self-assurance, eagerness, and grace in instructors. Instructor determination is the proficient curiosity and eagerness that instructors display in attaining discrete and cluster objectives in a working place. Morality is the emotion that an individual feels for his or her work grounded on how the persons perceive themselves in organization and the degree to which the institution views the individual for fulfilling his or her own desires, requirements, and prospects. When there is a healthy and encouraging atmosphere, as a result, the teacher’s morale rises greatly and the teacher feels superior and at the same time feels the effectiveness and success of the profession. Instructor self-assurance is examined on the basis of five moral factors: head-to-teacher relationship, teacher-to-teacher relationship, teacher satisfaction, teacher status, and teacher burden in terms of their relevance (Lin, 2021).


The school principal is the chief executive officer and authority in any school. The principal is the individual who ultimately bears the burden and responsibility for supervising all school-related activities, and the principal determines the level of morale and culture within the school setting. According to Fullan, “the principal of the future must lead a complex learning organization by helping to establish new cultures in schools that have deep capacities to engage in continuous problem solving and improvement.” At that time, the principals also have to make decisions that would be positive participation from teachers.

Therefore, decision making is a peculiar and vital activity in all organizations including schools. Griffin argues that decision-making is an integral part of all managerial functions. These functions are the decisional function, the interpersonal function, and the informational function. The success of an organization depends on the quality of the decisions made by managers. How decisions are effectively made in an organization is much reliant on managers because they are the ones who are in charge of setting up the decision-making process. This process is essential accommodate inputs from goal attainment, job satisfaction fulfillment, performance and overall effectiveness.

Accordingly, the manners in which teachers perceive their principal’s decision-making style greatly influence their psychological state and attitude toward the job. So, it is important to study and identify, through empirical research, the principal’s decision-making styles perceived by teachers as being essential for positively influencing their psychological state and attitudes about their job satisfaction. That is why the findings will allow the current principals to be reflective of their own decision-making styles and gain insight into ways to increase teachers’ job satisfaction.


So, it should be examined whether teachers’ job satisfaction in secondary schools depends on the decision-making styles of the principals or not.



The main objective of this study is to determine principals’ decision-making styles on staff morale

Specific objectives include;

1. To identify the decision-making styles commonly exhibited by principals in educational settings.

2. To assess the levels of staff morale among teaching and non-teaching staff members.

3. To analyze the relationship between principals’ decision-making styles and staff morale.

4. To explore potential factors that mediate or moderate the relationship between decision-making styles and staff morale.



1. What are the prevalent decision-making styles adopted by principals in educational settings?

2. What is the current level of staff morale among teaching and non-teaching staff members?

3. Is there a significant relationship between principals’ decision-making styles and staff morale?

4. What factors may influence the relationship between decision-making styles and staff morale?



Ho1: Principals in educational settings predominantly exhibit participative decision-making styles.

H1: Principles in educational settings predominantly exhibit autocratic decision-making styles.


Ho2: The levels of staff morale among teaching and non-teaching staff members are relatively high.

H1: The levels of staff morale among teaching and non-teaching staff members are relatively low.


Ho3: There is no significant relationship between principals’ decision-making styles and staff morale.

H1: There is a significant relationship between principals’ decision-making styles and staff morale.


Ho4: The relationship between decision-making styles and staff morale is not influenced by factors such as organizational culture, leadership support, and workload.

H1: The relationship between decision-making styles and staff morale is influenced by factors such as organizational culture, leadership support, and workload.



The significance of studying principals’ decision-making styles on staff morale lies in its potential to greatly impact the overall functioning and effectiveness of Nigerian schools. Principals play a crucial role in shaping the organizational culture and atmosphere within schools, and their decision-making styles can significantly influence the morale and motivation of teaching and non-teaching staff alike.


By understanding how different decision-making styles employed by principals affect staff morale, Nigerian schools can implement strategies to foster a positive and supportive work environment. High staff morale is linked to increased job satisfaction, productivity, and retention rates, ultimately leading to better student outcomes. Conversely, low morale can result in absenteeism, turnover, and a decline in overall school performance.

Through this study, Nigerian schools can identify effective decision-making approaches that enhance staff morale, such as participative decision-making processes that involve input from staff members. Additionally, it can shed light on ineffective decision-making styles that may lead to disengagement or dissatisfaction among staff.

Furthermore, the findings of this study can inform professional development initiatives for principals, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to adopt effective decision-making practices that positively impact staff morale. Ultimately, by prioritizing the cultivation of a positive work environment through strategic decision-making, Nigerian schools can create a conducive setting for both staff and students to thrive academically and professionally.



 This research focuses on analyzing the decision-making styles of principals at Gsss Karu, Nasarawa State, and their impact on staff morale. It examines various decision-making approaches employed by principals and how they influence the morale of the school staff. The study encompasses qualitative and quantitative data collection methods, including surveys and interviews with both principals and staff members. Additionally, it considers factors such as leadership theories and organizational behavior to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic.



 Despite efforts to ensure accuracy and reliability, this research may face certain limitations. These include constraints related to time, resources, and access to participants. The study's findings may also be influenced by individual perceptions and biases of respondents. Furthermore, the research is limited to Gsss Karu, Nasarawa State, which may affect the generalizability of the results to other educational institutions.



1. Principals: Individuals in leadership positions within educational institutions responsible for overseeing school operations, staff, and students.


2. Decision-Making Styles: The approaches or methods used by principals to make choices, solve problems, and address issues within the school environment.


3. Staff Morale: The collective mood, attitude, and satisfaction level of the school staff members, including teachers, administrators, and support staff, regarding their work environment, relationships, and overall experience within the school.


4. Leadership Styles: The manner in which principals exercise authority, guide, and influence their staff members to achieve organizational goals and objectives.


5. Morale:  The psychological state or attitude of individuals or a group, in this case, the school staff, which reflects their level of satisfaction, motivation, and engagement with their work and the organization.



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