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Format: MS WORD  |  Chapter: 1-5  |  Pages: 64  |  765 Users found this project useful  |  Price NGN5,000







Marriage and education are two significant facets of life that often intersect, presenting a myriad of challenges for women who pursue further studies while managing familial responsibilities. Among the various educational pursuits, Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) programs serve as a crucial avenue for individuals aspiring to become educators, enriching their understanding of pedagogy and educational practices. However, for married women undertaking B.Ed studies on a part-time basis, the journey is often riddled with obstacles stemming from the delicate balance required between family obligations and academic pursuits. In this exploration, we delve into the multifaceted problems encountered by married female part-time B.Ed students, shedding light on the complexities they navigate in their pursuit of both personal and professional growth.

The decision to pursue higher education, particularly a B.Ed degree, reflects a commitment to professional advancement and personal development. For married women, this choice often comes with added layers of consideration, as they strive to harmonize their aspirations with familial responsibilities. The dynamics of marriage introduce a unique set of challenges, as these women navigate the delicate equilibrium between fulfilling their roles as wives, mothers, and students. Unlike their unmarried counterparts or male peers, married female part-time B.Ed students must juggle domestic duties, childcare responsibilities, and academic commitments, often stretching themselves thin in the process.

One of the primary challenges faced by married female part-time B.Ed students revolves around time management. Balancing the demands of coursework, household chores, and familial obligations requires meticulous planning and unwavering dedication. Unlike full-time students who can dedicate significant portions of their day to academic pursuits, part-time students must make the most of limited time slots between familial duties. This often translates to late nights spent poring over textbooks, early mornings dedicated to coursework, and weekends earmarked for studying, all while ensuring that household chores and familial responsibilities are not neglected.

Moreover, the financial strain associated with pursuing higher education can exacerbate the challenges faced by married female part-time B.Ed students. Many families rely on dual incomes to sustain their livelihoods, and the decision to pursue further studies may entail sacrifices and financial adjustments. In addition to tuition fees and study materials, married female part-time B.Ed students must contend with additional expenses such as childcare, transportation, and potentially reduced working hours to accommodate their academic commitments. These financial burdens can place immense pressure on already stretched budgets, necessitating careful financial planning and resource allocation.

Furthermore, societal expectations and gender norms often compound the challenges faced by married female part-time B.Ed students. Despite advancements in gender equality, traditional gender roles continue to exert influence, shaping expectations regarding women's roles within the household and society at large. Married women pursuing higher education may encounter skepticism or disapproval from family members or society, who may question their priorities or ability to balance familial duties with academic pursuits. This societal pressure can manifest as feelings of guilt or inadequacy, further complicating the already challenging journey of balancing marriage, motherhood, and education.

Additionally, the emotional toll of juggling multiple responsibilities can take a significant toll on married female part-time B.Ed students' mental well-being. The constant juggling act between familial duties and academic commitments can lead to feelings of overwhelm, stress, and burnout. These women may experience a sense of isolation as they grapple with the unique challenges of their situation, often lacking a support system that truly understands the complexities they face. Moreover, the pursuit of higher education may require sacrifices in terms of leisure time and social interactions, further exacerbating feelings of loneliness and isolation.

In addition to the aforementioned challenges, married female part-time B.Ed students may also encounter practical obstacles related to accessing educational resources and support systems. Unlike full-time students who have access to campus facilities and academic support services, part-time students often have to navigate their academic journey remotely, relying on online resources and occasional campus visits. This can pose challenges in terms of accessing library resources, seeking academic guidance from professors, or engaging in collaborative learning experiences with peers. Additionally, the lack of a cohesive support network tailored to the needs of married female part-time students can compound feelings of isolation and hinder academic progress.

Despite the myriad challenges they face, married female part-time B.Ed students exhibit remarkable resilience, determination, and perseverance in their pursuit of academic and personal growth. These women embody the ethos of lifelong learning, demonstrating a steadfast commitment to their professional aspirations and personal development. By navigating the complexities of marriage, motherhood, and education, they exemplify the transformative power of education in empowering individuals to overcome obstacles and realize their fullest potential.

In conclusion, the journey of married female part-time B.Ed students is fraught with challenges stemming from the delicate balance required between familial responsibilities and academic pursuits. From managing time and finances to navigating societal expectations and grappling with emotional tolls, these women confront a myriad of obstacles on their path to academic and personal fulfillment. However, through resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment, they exemplify the transformative power of education in empowering individuals to surmount obstacles and achieve their goals. As we delve deeper into the multifaceted problems encountered by married female part-time B.Ed students, we gain a deeper understanding of the complexities they navigate and the invaluable contributions they make to the field of education and society at large.


The pursuit of a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) degree among married female part-time students is fraught with numerous challenges that intersect familial responsibilities, academic pursuits, and societal expectations. Key issues faced by this demographic include time management constraints due to juggling household duties, childcare responsibilities, and academic commitments. Financial strains arise from tuition fees, study materials, and potential reductions in working hours, exacerbating the burden on already stretched budgets. Moreover, societal pressure and gender norms may lead to feelings of guilt, inadequacy, and isolation among married female part-time B.Ed students, as they navigate the expectations placed upon them as wives, mothers, and scholars. Emotional tolls such as stress, overwhelm, and burnout further compound the challenges, as these women strive to balance competing priorities while pursuing their educational goals. Access to educational resources and support systems is also limited, hindering academic progress and exacerbating feelings of isolation. In essence, the myriad problems encountered by married female part-time B.Ed students underscore the need for comprehensive support structures and tailored interventions to facilitate their academic and personal success. 


Main Objective: The main objective of this study is to comprehensively examine the problems encountered by married female part-time Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) students and to propose strategies to address these challenges effectively.

Specific Objectives:

To identify and analyze the primary factors contributing to time management constraints among married female part-time B.Ed students, including household responsibilities, childcare duties, and academic commitments.

To assess the financial burdens faced by married female part-time B.Ed students, including tuition fees, study materials, childcare costs, and potential reductions in working hours, and to explore strategies for alleviating these financial strains.

To investigate the impact of societal expectations and gender norms on the academic experiences and emotional well-being of married female part-time B.Ed students, including feelings of guilt, inadequacy, isolation, and stress, and to propose interventions to mitigate these negative effects.


What are the primary factors contributing to time management constraints among married female part-time Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) students, and how do these factors impact their ability to balance household responsibilities, childcare duties, and academic commitments?

What are the specific financial burdens faced by married female part-time B.Ed students, including tuition fees, study materials, childcare costs, and potential reductions in working hours, and how do these financial strains influence their academic progress and overall well-being?

How do societal expectations and gender norms affect the academic experiences and emotional well-being of married female part-time B.Ed students, including feelings of guilt, inadequacy, isolation, and stress, and what interventions can be implemented to mitigate these negative effects and support their academic success?


H1: Married female part-time Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) students who face higher levels of time management constraints due to household responsibilities, childcare duties, and academic commitments will exhibit lower academic performance compared to those with fewer time management constraints.

H0: There will be no significant difference in academic performance between married female part-time B.Ed students facing varying levels of time management constraints.


H1: Married female part-time B.Ed students experiencing greater financial burdens, including higher tuition fees, study materials expenses, childcare costs, and reductions in working hours, will report higher levels of stress and lower overall well-being compared to those facing lesser financial strains.

H0: There will be no significant difference in stress levels and overall well-being between married female part-time B.Ed students facing varying degrees of financial burdens.


H1: Married female part-time B.Ed students who perceive stronger societal expectations and adherence to traditional gender norms will report higher levels of guilt, inadequacy, and emotional distress, impacting their academic experiences negatively.

H0: There will be no significant difference in feelings of guilt, inadequacy, and emotional distress between married female part-time B.Ed students with differing perceptions of societal expectations and adherence to gender norms.



This study will be of immense benefit to other researchers who intend to know more on this study and can also be used by non-researchers to build more on their research work. This study contributes to knowledge and could serve as a guide for other study.



The scope of this study encompasses married female part-time Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) students, focusing on their experiences, challenges, and coping mechanisms. It explores factors such as time management constraints, financial burdens, societal expectations, and access to support systems, aiming to provide insights for improving their academic success and well-being.



The demanding schedule of respondents at work made it very difficult getting the respondents to participate in the survey. As a result, retrieving copies of questionnaire in timely fashion was very challenging. Also, the researcher is a student and therefore has limited time as well as resources in covering extensive literature available in conducting this research. Information provided by the researcher may not hold true for all businesses or organizations but is restricted to the selected organization used as a study in this research especially in the locality where this study is being conducted. Finally, the researcher is restricted only to the evidence provided by the participants in the research and therefore cannot determine the reliability and accuracy of the information provided.

Financial constraint: Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).

Time constraint: The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.


Married Female: Refers to women who have entered into a legally recognized union of marriage with a spouse, typically involving shared household responsibilities and familial duties.

Part-time Students: Individuals enrolled in an educational program who attend classes on a less than full-time basis, often due to personal or professional commitments, such as employment or caregiving responsibilities.

Bachelor of Education (B.Ed): An undergraduate academic degree program designed to prepare individuals for careers in teaching and education, providing foundational knowledge and practical skills in pedagogy, curriculum development, and educational psychology.

Problems: Challenges, obstacles, or difficulties encountered by married female B.Ed part-time students, encompassing various factors such as time management constraints, financial burdens, societal expectations, and emotional stressors that may hinder academic progress and overall well-being.

Time Management Constraints: Refers to limitations and challenges faced by married female B.Ed part-time students in effectively allocating and prioritizing their time between academic pursuits, household responsibilities, childcare duties, and other obligations.

Support Systems: Resources, services, or networks available to married female B.Ed part-time students to provide assistance, guidance, and emotional support in navigating academic challenges, managing familial responsibilities, and promoting overall well-being. This may include academic advisors, counseling services, peer support groups, and community organizations.



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