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Format: MS WORD  |  Chapter: 1-5  |  Pages: 61  |  840 Users found this project useful  |  Price NGN5,000







The study on "School Administrative Problems and Teachers' Welfare" delves into the challenges faced by educational administrators in creating conducive work environments for teachers. Education, defined as "the reconstruction or reorganization of experience," serves as the cornerstone of societal development (Dewey, 1944). Teacher education, a formal program aimed at producing academically qualified personnel, is essential for transmitting valuable knowledge to future generations (Imogie, 1992). Productivity, measured by job performance, hinges on factors like classroom climate and teaching techniques. Addressing job satisfaction, influenced by workload and recognition, is crucial for teacher motivation (Ukeje, 1990). Motivation theories like Equity Theory and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs inform strategies for enhancing teacher welfare.

 According to an American Professor Emeritus of education, Dr. Ivan Welton Fitzwater once said and I quote “the future of the world is in my classroom today, a future with the potential for good or bad. Several future presidents are learning from me today; so are the great writers of the next decades; and so are all the so-called ordinary people who will make the decisions in a democracy. Teacher, I must never forget these same young people could be the thieves and murderers of the future. Only a teacher? Thank God I have a calling to the greatest profession of all! I must be vigilant everyday, lest I lose one fragile opportunity to improve tomorrow.”

 There is no doubt that education is generally regarded as a means to better life and the upliftment of the society at large. Hence, it is seen as a potent instrument for social, economic and political transformation of the nation. This development has thrust a lot of responsibilities on teachers who are the major operators of any education system. It is therefore not an over-statement that the professionalization of teaching and making the teachers the center of educational reform in Nigeria will enhance teachers’ productivity, reduce the systematic problems in the educational sectors of the society as well as place education as instrument par excellence for national development (Okemakinde and Alabi, 2013).

The developed world has realized the invaluable contribution of education to the development of nations. The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) recommendation on the status of teachers as far back as 1966 is an eloquent attestation to this recognition. No nation rises above the level of its education and no educational system outgrows the quality and status of its teachers and no nation can afford to pay lip service to the education of its people. The nation which fails to realize the importance of education does so at its own peril. This assertion attempts to correct the erroneous impression that teachers’ rewards are in heaven. This is supported by section 9 No. 59 of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, National Policy on Education that states: “teacher’s education will continue to be given a major emphasis in all our educational planning because no educational system can rise above the quality of its teachers.” This section also added that all teachers in our educational institutions from pre-primary to university will be trained.

The school can change the society for the better through the agency of the teachers, but the society has to first empower the teacher and enrich the climate of the school. Education is a good enterprise and the future of the world is pivoted on its gains. Information, enlightenment, technology, transportation which are pleasantly shrinking the world into a global village with regard to contact, interaction and communication are all products of education. Hence, the ultimate goal of welfare schemes on teachers’ job performance is greatly being felt all over the world.

As Locke and Latham theory opined that a satisfied worker will produce more and use this as a basis for relating motivation, satisfaction and job performance. The need to motivate workers is a fundamental issue in all organizations that are aimed at achieving set goals. Teachers, like workers in other organizations, need the renewed energy brought by incentive from time to time if they are to perform effectively.

The Nigerian Union of Teachers constitution stated that the Union is a forum for the cooperation of teachers and promotion of their welfare, the interest of education versus teaching profession. Welfare schemes are the strategies employed in motivating teachers for better job performance. These are in the form of salary increment, gratuity, regular promotion, ensuring job security and establishing cordial relationships among teachers.



In the context of education, there exists a significant gap between the desired objectives of school administration and the actual welfare conditions experienced by teachers. Despite the crucial role teacher’s play in the educational system, they face numerous challenges related to poor work environments, inadequate remuneration, lack of professional development opportunities, and limited resources. These issues not only impact teacher morale and job satisfaction but also hinder the overall effectiveness of school administration in achieving educational goals. Therefore, understanding and addressing these school administrative problems and their effects on teachers' welfare is essential for improving the quality of education and fostering a conducive learning environment.



The main objective of this study is to determine academic practices of public and private senior secondary school students

Specific objectives include;


1. To Investigate the Impact of School Administrative Problems on Teachers' Welfare.


2. To Explore the Relationship Between Teachers' Welfare and Job Performance.


3. To Assess the Efficacy of Strategies for Enhancing Teachers' Welfare in Improving School Administration.



1. How do school administrative problems, such as inadequate resources and poor organizational climate, impact teachers' welfare and job satisfaction?


2. What is the nature of the relationship between teachers' welfare, including factors like remuneration and working conditions, and their job performance in terms of teaching effectiveness and commitment?


3. What strategies can be implemented to enhance teachers' welfare and improve school administration, and what is their potential efficacy in addressing the identified challenges?



Hypothesis i

H1 School administrative problems negatively affect teachers' welfare, leading to decreased job satisfaction and performance.


Hypothesis ii

There is a significant positive correlation between teachers' welfare, including factors like remuneration and working conditions, and their job performance in terms of teaching effectiveness and commitment.


Hypothesis iii

Implementing strategies to enhance teachers' welfare, such as equitable salary structures, supportive work environments, and professional development initiatives, will lead to improvements in school administration, including increased teacher morale, productivity, and overall school performance.



The study highlights the critical role of teachers in the education system and the challenges they face due to administrative issues and poor welfare conditions. It emphasizes the importance of addressing these problems to ensure the quality of education and the overall development of the nation. The significance of the study lies in its potential to inform policymakers and educational administrators about the urgent need to improve teacher welfare, create supportive work environments, and address administrative issues that hinder teacher performance and job satisfaction. By understanding and addressing these issues, stakeholders can work towards enhancing teacher morale, motivation, and effectiveness, ultimately leading to improved educational outcomes and national development.



The research aims to investigate the challenges faced by school administrators in creating conducive work environments for teachers and addressing their welfare needs. The study will explore various dimensions of administrative issues impacting teacher productivity, job satisfaction, and overall well-being within the educational context. Specifically, it will examine factors such as inadequate infrastructure, poor working conditions, lack of professional development opportunities, and insufficient remuneration affecting teachers' morale and performance. Additionally, the research will assess the relationship between organizational climate and teacher productivity, considering the influence of factors like job satisfaction, motivation, and commitment. The study will focus on identifying the specific administrative challenges hindering teacher welfare and propose recommendations for improving school administration practices to enhance teacher satisfaction and ultimately, student outcomes.




The study on school administrative problems and teachers' welfare may be limited by factors like scope, sampling bias, data collection methods, time constraints, resource limitations, language barriers, external factors, and publication bias. These limitations could affect the generalizability, representativeness, depth of analysis, and comprehensiveness of findings. Future research should address these limitations to provide a more thorough understanding of the topic and its implications for educational systems.



1. Teacher Welfare: Teacher welfare refers to the overall well-being and conditions of teachers within the educational system, encompassing factors such as salary, benefits, working conditions, professional development opportunities, and job security.

2. Educational Administration: Educational administration involves the management and coordination of educational institutions and systems, including tasks such as policy implementation, resource allocation, curriculum development, personnel management, and organizational leadership.

3. Job Performance: Job performance is the effectiveness and efficiency with which teachers fulfill their duties and responsibilities within the educational context. It includes aspects such as teaching effectiveness, classroom management, student engagement, and contributions to the school community.

4. Work Environment: The work environment refers to the physical, social, and organizational conditions in which teachers carry out their work. It encompasses factors such as classroom facilities, administrative support, colleague relationships, workload, and institutional culture.

5. Motivation: Motivation refers to the internal and external factors that drive teachers to engage in their work and strive for success. It includes elements such as job satisfaction, professional goals, intrinsic rewards, recognition, and career advancement opportunities. 

6. Equity Theory: Equity theory posits that individuals compare their input (effort, contribution) to the outcomes (rewards, recognition) they receive and seek fairness or equity in this exchange. It emphasizes perceptions of fairness in resource distribution and reward allocation as key determinants of motivation and job satisfaction.

7. Productivity: Productivity in the educational context refers to the effectiveness and efficiency with which teachers contribute to the achievement of educational goals and objectives. It encompasses factors such as student learning outcomes, instructional quality, resource utilization, and professional development activities.



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