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Format: MS WORD  |  Chapter: 1-5  |  Pages: 71  |  885 Users found this project useful  |  Price NGN5,000






1.1    Background to the Study 

The past three decades have really witnessed the most horrible and monstrous killing, wanton destruction of properties, and disorganization of the educational system as well as the larger society. David and Oliver (2018) succinctly put that the proliferation of cult groups led to a very hot competition for the available students willing to join. It is believed in cult circles that the more the number of men you have, the more you will dominate your environment. Therefore, membership drive is a very important activity for cult groups. The numerical strengths of all the cult groups in tertiary institutions in Rivers state is increasing as some students also willingly joined the band- wagon just to feel belong and to be protected within university environment. In the bid to actualise their dominance in their environment, more secondary school students have been confirmed and forcefully initiated into their "Feeder teams".

David and Oliver (2018) emphasized that the graduates of these "Feeder team. Ogunbamara (2019) asserts that secret cult activities are kept secrets and their meetings are also carried out at odd hours of the day. There is no public university in Nigeria that is totally free from cultism. Different cult groups are always attacking each other every semester; their constant clashes usually paved way for wanton destruction of property and untimely death of members. It is important to point out that conflicts emanating from cult clashes on the various campuses have really posed serious threat to the students, academic staffs and the non-academic staffs. Beside the ordinary people on campuses, the lives of the cultists are also in great danger, hence some of their abstained from lectures and also find it difficult to meet up their academic activities. This deplorable condition actually affected their academic pursuit and performances. So many people who were not students have been initiated as members of the various cult groups at one time or the other in Rivers State.

In fact, belonging to cult group is now a way of life and a general feature of our society. The focus of the youths have shifted from acquisition of education and meaningful skills that can put food on their table tomorrow to cultism that provided immediate wealth emanating from oil bunkering, arm robbery, kidnapping, assassination, vandalization of oil pipes etc. it is important to point out that there activities have really affected development of the state as wanton destruction of property, incessant killings and shouting as well as kidnapping are happening on daily basis. The constant terrorization of the people and violent destruction that people that characterized the state, posed severe threats to the people as well as inestimable anxiety.

The ugly seen in and frightening condition described above imparted negatively on development and peaceful co-existence in fact, it is indeed reasonable and wise to state that many companies and business men have relocated to other states of the federation that are peaceful and free from cultism. The cultists are so numerous and it is difficult to identify who cultist is. At present they are about 65% of the youths in Rivers State, they interacted and interrelated on daily basis in their special languages that are difficult to decode by non- members. The cultist employed some of the tactics and modus operandi of the security agencies when carrying out their nefarious and dastardly acts. There is no community that is free from cultists, or that had not been terrorized by cult related activities. 

1.2            Statement of the Problem

The proliferation of cultism has emerged as a critical challenge in contemporary society, posing a substantial threat to the social, political, and economic development of communities and nations at large. This pervasive issue has sparked concern among scholars, policymakers, and the general populace, necessitating a comprehensive examination of its multifaceted impact on various facets of societal progress. Socially, cultism engenders an atmosphere of fear, intimidation, and violence, disrupting the harmonious coexistence of individuals and communities. The erosion of social cohesion perpetuated by cult activities not only hampers interpersonal relationships but also impedes the formation of trust and solidarity crucial for collective development. Opuluwah (2019).

On the political front, the influence of cultism extends its tendrils into the heart of governance structures, subverting the democratic process and fostering a culture of corruption and impunity. The infiltration of cult groups into political circles often results in the compromise of ethical standards, hindering the establishment of transparent and accountable governance. This interference undermines the very foundation of a functioning democracy, as political decisions may be swayed by clandestine interests rather than the welfare of the citizenry. The erosion of political integrity further weakens institutions, exacerbating the challenges faced by nations striving for effective governance and political stability.Economically, the impact of cultism is palpable as it deters investments, disrupts business activities, and fosters an environment of uncertainty. The correlation between the prevalence of cultism and economic underdevelopment is evident, as potential investors are deterred by the associated risks and instability. The diversion of resources towards combating cult-related crimes and maintaining security also diverts funds that could otherwise be channeled into projects aimed at economic development. The consequential reduction in economic productivity exacerbates issues of unemployment and poverty, creating a vicious cycle that impedes overall progress.In light of these intertwined challenges, addressing the effects of cultism requires a holistic approach that encompasses social, political, and economic dimensions. Effective countermeasures must involve community engagement, educational initiatives, and legal frameworks that prioritize the eradication of cultism. Additionally, fostering transparent and accountable political systems, along with economic policies that promote inclusivity and sustainable development, can contribute to breaking the shackles of cultism and nurturing a conducive environment for societal advancement. This comprehensive understanding of the problem is crucial for formulating targeted strategies and policies to mitigate the adverse effects of cultism on social, political, and economic development.

1.3    Objectives of the Study

The primary aim of this study is to examine the effect of cultism on social political & economic development. The specifics objectives are to:

Assess the Extent of Cultism Impact on Social Cohesion.

Examine the Political Ramifications of Cultism on Governance.

Evaluate the Economic Implications of Cultism.

Propose Holistic Strategies for Mitigating Cultism's Effects.

1.4   Research Questions:

To what extent does cultism contribute to the erosion of social cohesion within communities?

How does cultism infiltrate and influence political structures.

What are the specific economic consequences of cultism, including its role in deterring investments?

What holistic strategies and interventions can effectively mitigate the adverse effects of cultism on social, political, and economic development?

1.5      Research Hypotheses:

Hypothesis 1: Cultism is significantly associated with the disruption of social cohesion, leading to increased fear intimidation.

Hypothesis 2: Cultism is significantly linked to political infiltration, compromising ethical standards, and undermining the democratic process,

Hypothesis 3 Cultism has a significant economic impact, deterring investments, disrupting business activities,

Hypothesis 4 Specific interventions, such as community engagement programs, legal frameworks, and targeted economic policies

1.6  Top of Form

Significance of the Study

The significance of the study on the effect of cultism on social, political, and economic development is paramount in addressing pressing challenges that societies face today. First and foremost, the research contributes to the existing body of knowledge by providing a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted impact of cultism across different domains. By comprehensively exploring the social implications, the study aids in revealing the intricate ways in which cult activities disrupt social cohesion, foster fear, and impede harmonious coexistence within communities.

Furthermore, the examination of cultism's influence on political structures adds a critical layer to the significance of the study. It sheds light on the often covert infiltration of cult groups into political circles, uncovering the potential compromises to ethical standards and the democratic process. This insight is vital for policymakers, allowing them to develop targeted strategies to safeguard the integrity of governance structures and enhance transparency within political systems.Economically, the study addresses a crucial aspect of the impact of cultism on development. By investigating the specific economic consequences, such as the deterrence of investments and disruption of business activities, the research provides valuable insights for policymakers and business leaders. Understanding these economic ramifications is essential for formulating effective policies that attract investments, foster economic growth, and create stable business environments.Moreover, the study's significance extends to the practical realm, as it aims to propose holistic strategies for mitigating the adverse effects of cultism. The recommendations derived from the research can serve as a guide for policymakers, community leaders, and other stakeholders in implementing targeted interventions. These interventions may encompass community engagement initiatives, legal frameworks, and economic policies designed to break the cycle of cultism and promote sustainable social, political, and economic development. In essence, the study's significance lies in its potential to inform evidence-based decision-making, fostering positive changes that contribute to the overall progress and well-being of societies grappling with the challenges posed by cultism.


1.7       Scope of the Study

The scope of the study on the effect of cultism on social, political, and economic development is designed to be comprehensive, encompassing various dimensions of this complex phenomenon. Firstly, the research focuses on a broad spectrum of communities and societies, intending to capture diverse experiences and manifestations of cultism across different cultural, geographic, and socio-economic contexts. By adopting a wide-ranging approach, the study aims to provide insights that are applicable and relevant to a diverse array of communities facing the challenges associated with cult activities.The social scope of the study extends to an in-depth exploration of the impact of cultism on social cohesion within communities. It involves investigating the prevalence of cult activities, their influence on interpersonal relationships, and the resulting dynamics that contribute to an environment of fear and intimidation. The study will delve into the intricacies of how cultism disrupts the fabric of social life, affecting both individual well-being and community harmony. In the political realm, the research seeks to analyze the influence of cultism on governance structures. This includes examining instances of political infiltration by cult groups, the compromise of ethical standards, and the potential erosion of democratic processes. By exploring these political dimensions, the study aims to shed light on the mechanisms through which cultism may hinder transparent and accountable governance. Economically, the scope of the study encompasses an investigation into the specific consequences of cultism on economic development. This involves examining factors such as the deterrence of investments, disruption of business activities, and the creation of an uncertain economic environment. By addressing these economic aspects, the research aims to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the impediments posed by cultism to sustainable economic growth. Lastly, the study's scope extends to proposing holistic strategies and interventions for mitigating the adverse effects of cultism. This involves synthesizing findings from the social, political, and economic dimensions to formulate actionable recommendations. The intention is to provide a roadmap for policymakers, community leaders, and other stakeholders to implement targeted interventions that address the multifaceted challenges posed by cultism and foster overall societal progress.

1.8      Definition of Term

Cultism: Cultism refers to the organized, often clandestine, activities of groups or societies characterized by shared beliefs, rituals, and practices that may involve secrecy, initiation rites, and a hierarchical structure. In the context of this study, cultism is specifically examined for its impact on social, political, and economic dimensions within communities and societies.

Social Cohesion: Social cohesion pertains to the degree of harmony, cooperation, and interconnectedness within a community or society. It reflects the strength of social bonds, mutual trust, and a sense of shared identity among individuals. In the scope of this study, social cohesion is evaluated in the context of how cultism may disrupt or erode these essential elements of community well-being.

Political Infiltration: Political infiltration refers to the covert or overt influence exerted by cult groups within political structures. It involves activities aimed at compromising ethical standards, undermining democratic processes, and manipulating political decisions. In this study, political infiltration is examined to understand how cultism may impact the integrity and functioning of governance systems.

Economic Development: Economic development encompasses the sustained improvement in a society's economic well-being, characterized by increased productivity, income levels, and overall standards of living. In the context of the study, economic development is explored to understand how cultism may hinder investment, disrupt business activities, and impede the overall progress of a community or nation.

Holistic Strategies: Holistic strategies refer to comprehensive and integrated approaches that address a problem or challenge from multiple perspectives. In the context of this study, holistic strategies are proposed to mitigate the adverse effects of cultism on social, political, and economic development. These strategies may include community engagement, legal frameworks, and economic policies that collectively contribute to breaking the cycle of cultism and fostering positive societal advancement.



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