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Format: MS WORD  |  Chapter: 1-5  |  Pages: 74  |  736 Users found this project useful  |  Price NGN5,000






1.1   Background to the Study 

Poultry is the name used to describe the domesticated birds. They produce meat and eggs used as food. The common types of poultry are fowl or chicken, duck, guinea fowl, turkey, and geese. Fowl chicken is the most common type of poultry in Nigeria. It is eaten by people that practice traditional religion, Christians and Muslims. Poultry birds are suitable for scientific studies because of their rapid growth the egg are important in industries for the manufacturing of cosmetic soap and shampoo etc. as well as for producing vaccines. Egg may also be used in baking industries to prepare snacks as egg roll, sausage roll, cake etc. different types of fowl are kept by farmer. Ohajianya (2019)

The native fowl is mainly kept by farmers in the rural areas. The other types are foreign fowl and are reared by modern and big poultry farmers. The chicken kept for the production of meat is called boilers while the one kept for egg production is called layers. The dual purpose chicken produces both meat and egg. The adult male fowl is known as cocks and the adult female fowl as hen. The young one of fowl is called chicks the cock that had been castrated or has its testes remove is known as capon. Those fowls (both hen and cock) reared for the production of hatched egg is called parents stocks. Poultry. Aromolaran & Adetayo (2018). Dropping are useful as manure to enrich the soil by adding the poultry dropping to the soil allow it to decay in that process it will increase the nutrient if the soils by adding minerals like nitrogen and phosphate.

Egg shells are suitable in making fertilizers and livestock feeds. In the earlier time, the keeping of poultry where not being considered orseen as a major occupation, that the birds were kept to obtain some areas of communities, fowl (poultry birds) in the past were use as means of knowing what the time of the day is especially the cock (male fowl) poultry farming stated those days when our local farmers were using the old method to rear the fowls, sheep, goats, pig and other domestic animals the old system was extensive system, proved that the poultry sector was a profitable venture too gradually poultry keeping developed into a commercial enterprise involving thousands of birds large poultry units were used to replace small ones because of the development, while more efficient stains of birds were used to replace small one because of the development, balance feed intensive housing and better poultry equipment came into use, because of all this development employment of people came about. All these industrialized system of keeping poultry birds help to promote the business of poultry birds in Edo State.

In order to investigate the problems are of economic importance in poultry farms in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State. Information on production activities, management and problems were collected from 22 poultry farmers in the study area. The data were analyzed using table and frequency distribution from the analysis, the farmers light lighted the problems of low capital, diseases as the most rampant, Newcastle and Gumboro diseases are the most rampant. They also identified the lack of good quality water, and proper marketing outlets. High cost at times security of feed are major problems in the study areas. All these problems can be tackled by provision of cheap credits to the poultry farmers themselves into co-operative by so doing their resources can be pooled together for meaningful development of their farms and poultry industry in general. In order for poultry birds to produce efficiently and effectively there are need to rear them under a good and conducive environment that will be good for the health. We have various system or ways of rearing birds like the extensive, intensive, and semi intensive system whereby can keep birds in the keep liter and the battering cage so that they can be controlled by the farmers.FAO (2019).

The marketing of poultry products faces a myriad of challenges that span the entire supply chain, from production to consumer consumption. One major challenge is the prevalence of disease outbreaks, such as avian influenza, which can lead to mass culling, trade restrictions, and a loss of consumer confidence in poultry products. Ensuring the health and safety of poultry is crucial for maintaining a positive image in the market. Quality control and safety concerns also pose significant issues. Contamination during processing, improper storage, or inadequate handling can result in health risks for consumers. Meeting and maintaining high-quality standards is not only essential for consumer safety but is also critical for building and retaining trust in the poultry industry. Fluctuating input costs, including feed, labor, and veterinary services, present financial challenges for poultry farmers. Sudden increases in the prices of these inputs can significantly impact the overall cost of production, influencing the pricing and competitiveness of poultry products in the market. This economic volatility affects the profitability of poultry farming operations. Issues related to market access and distribution channels further compound the challenges. Limited infrastructure, inefficient transportation, and logistics bottlenecks can hinder the timely and cost-effective delivery of poultry products to consumers. This can result in market inefficiencies and impact the overall accessibility of poultry products to consumers.

Consumer preferences and perceptions are also evolving, with a growing demand for products that align with ethical and sustainable farming practices. Meeting these changing preferences often requires adjustments in production methods, marketing strategies, and labeling practices, posing additional challenges for the poultry industry. Moreover, regulatory compliance adds a layer of complexity to poultry marketing. Adhering to strict standards and certifications is necessary for consumer safety and market access. Navigating and staying compliant with complex regulations can be particularly challenging for smaller-scale poultry producers who may lack the resources to meet stringent requirements In conclusion, addressing these multifaceted challenges in the marketing of poultry products requires a holistic and collaborative effort involving producers, regulatory bodies, and other stakeholders. Implementing stringent biosecurity measures, investing in quality control systems, and staying attuned to market dynamics are essential components of overcoming these challenges and ensuring a sustainable and resilient poultry industry. Emaikwu (2018); Esiobu (2019).

1.2 Statement of the Problem         

The marketing of poultry products is confronted with a host of challenges that collectively impact the entire poultry supply chain, from production to consumer access. One primary problem lies in the recurrent occurrence of diseases, notably avian influenza, which can lead to mass culling, trade restrictions, and a loss of consumer trust in poultry products. Ensuring the health and safety of poultry is paramount to maintaining a positive market image and securing consumer confidence. Another significant issue revolves around quality control and safety concerns. Contamination during processing, improper storage, or inadequate handling can pose health risks for consumers. Upholding and ensuring high-quality standards is not only crucial for consumer safety but also vital for establishing and preserving trust in the poultry industry.

The volatility of input costs, encompassing feed, labor, and veterinary services, presents financial hurdles for poultry farmers. Sudden spikes in these input prices can substantially impact overall production costs, influencing the pricing and competitiveness of poultry products in the market. Economic uncertainties of this nature directly affect the profitability of poultry farming operations. Market access and distribution challenges are additional complexities faced by the poultry industry. Limited infrastructure, inefficient transportation, and logistics bottlenecks can impede the timely and cost-effective delivery of poultry products to consumers. Such impediments create market inefficiencies and impact the overall accessibility of poultry products.

Evolving consumer preferences and perceptions contribute to the industry's challenges, with a growing demand for products aligned with ethical and sustainable farming practices. Adapting to changing consumer preferences necessitates adjustments in production methods, marketing strategies, and labeling practices, posing additional challenges for poultry producers.

Regulatory compliance introduces further complexity to poultry marketing. Adhering to stringent standards and certifications is imperative for consumer safety and market access. Navigating and staying compliant with intricate regulations can be particularly challenging for smaller-scale poultry producers who may lack the resources to meet stringent requirements.

In conclusion, the multifaceted challenges in the marketing of poultry products demand a comprehensive and collaborative approach involving producers, regulatory bodies, and other stakeholders. Implementing stringent biosecurity measures, investing in quality control systems, and staying attuned to market dynamics are essential components of addressing these challenges and ensuring the sustainability and resilience of the poultry industry

1.3    Objectives of the Study

The primary aim of this study is to examine the problems of marketing poultry products. The specifics objectives are to:

1.  assessing Disease Management Practices.

2.  Investigating Quality Control Procedures.

3.  analyzing Economic Viability.

4.  Exploring Market Access and Distribution Networks.

1.4   Research Questions

How effective are current disease management practices in the poultry industry?

What are the existing quality control procedures in poultry processing?

What factors contribute to the economic viability of poultry farming?

What challenges exist in market access and distribution networks for poultry products, including transportation systems, storage facilities?

1.5      Research Hypotheses:

Hypothesis 1: Effective disease management practices in the poultry industry are associated with a lower incidence of diseases among poultry flocks.

Hypothesis 2:Poultry products processed under existing quality control procedures exhibit higher safety and hygiene standards compared to products without such procedures.

Hypothesis 3Higher input costs significantly affect the economic viability of poultry farming operations, leading to potential challenges in profitability.

Hypothesis 4Challenges in market access and distribution networks are significantly correlated with reduced accessibility to poultry products in the market

1.6 Significance of the Study

The significance of a study lies in its potential to contribute valuable insights, knowledge, and solutions to existing issues within a specific area of interest. In the context of the study on "The Problems of Marketing Poultry Products," the significance can be outlined as follows:

Industry Improvement:

The study holds the potential to identify and address critical challenges faced by the poultry marketing sector. By understanding and resolving these problems, the industry can experience improvements in efficiency, productivity, and overall competitiveness.

Economic Impact:

Investigating the marketing problems of poultry products is crucial for assessing the economic impact of the poultry industry. Insights gained from the study can inform strategies to enhance market access, increase profits, and contribute to the economic growth of the poultry sector.

Food Security and Nutrition:

Poultry products are significant sources of protein and essential nutrients. A study focusing on marketing challenges can contribute to ensuring the steady supply and distribution of these products, thereby positively impacting food security and nutrition.

Consumer Welfare:

Understanding and resolving marketing problems can lead to improved consumer access to high-quality and safe poultry products. This is essential for safeguarding consumer welfare and promoting trust in the poultry industry.

Sustainability Practices:

The study can shed light on sustainable marketing practices within the poultry industry, promoting environmentally friendly and socially responsible approaches. This is crucial in the current global context, where sustainability is a key consideration for both businesses and consumers.

Policy Formulation:

Policymakers can benefit from the study's findings to formulate informed policies and regulations that support a thriving poultry industry. Addressing marketing challenges may lead to the development of policies that foster fair trade practices and ensure the welfare of both producers and consumers.

Innovation and Technology Adoption:

Identification of marketing problems may stimulate the adoption of innovative solutions and technologies within the poultry marketing sector. This could lead to streamlined supply chains, improved logistics, and the incorporation of technology for enhanced market reach.

Community Development:

The study's outcomes may have positive implications for rural communities dependent on poultry farming. By addressing marketing challenges, the study can contribute to the economic development of these communities, providing livelihood opportunities and fostering sustainable agricultural practices.

Academic Contribution:

The study contributes to the academic discourse on agricultural marketing challenges. It serves as a valuable resource for researchers, scholars, and students interested in understanding and addressing the complexities of marketing poultry products.

1.7       Scope of the Study

The scope of this study, titled "The Problems of Marketing Poultry Products," is designed to encompass various dimensions that influence the marketing landscape of poultry products within a specific context. The following outlines the key components within the scope:

Geographic Focus:

The study will concentrate on a particular geographic region, ensuring a localized examination of the challenges faced in marketing poultry products. This approach considers the influence of regional variations in consumer preferences, market structures, and regulatory frameworks.

Poultry Product Range:

The scope will cover a diverse range of poultry products, including but not limited to chicken meat, eggs, and processed poultry goods. By considering different types of products, the study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges associated with marketing various poultry items.

Supply Chain Analysis:

The study will delve into the entire supply chain of poultry products, examining the production, distribution, and retail processes. By doing so, it aims to identify and analyze challenges at each stage of the supply chain, offering insights into the complexities of marketing within this industry.

Market Participants:

Stakeholders involved in the marketing of poultry products, such as producers, distributors, retailers, and consumers, will be a crucial aspect of the study. Understanding the roles and interactions of these participants is vital for comprehending the dynamics and challenges within the poultry product market.

Economic Considerations:

Economic factors, including pricing mechanisms, market demand, and financial constraints faced by different players in the supply chain, will be explored. This economic perspective seeks to uncover the financial intricacies of marketing poultry products and their impact on the overall industry.

Regulatory Framework:

The study will analyze the regulatory environment governing the marketing of poultry products. This includes an examination of policies, standards, and regulations that influence marketing practices, with the aim of identifying areas where regulatory adjustments may be necessary.

Consumer Behavior and Preferences:

An exploration of consumer behaviors and preferences concerning poultry products is integral to the study. This involves understanding the factors influencing purchasing decisions, perceptions of product quality, and the effectiveness of marketing strategies in shaping consumer choices.

Technological Innovations:

The scope will consider the integration of technology in poultry product marketing, including the role of digital platforms and e-commerce. Understanding technological advancements within the industry will provide insights into emerging marketing trends.

1.8      Definition of Term

Poultry Products:

Refers to various items derived from domesticated birds raised for meat, eggs, and other related products. This includes chicken meat, eggs, and processed poultry goods.

Supply Chain:

The entire process involved in producing, processing, distributing, and selling poultry products, from the initial production stage to the final consumer.


Individuals, organizations, or entities that have an interest or involvement in the marketing of poultry products. This includes producers, distributors, retailers, and consumers.

Economic Factors:

Elements influencing the financial aspects of the poultry product market, such as pricing mechanisms, market demand, and financial constraints faced by different stakeholders in the supply chain.

Regulatory Framework:

The set of laws, policies, standards, and regulations that govern the production, distribution, and marketing of poultry products. This includes guidelines related to quality standards, labeling, and food safety.

2       Consumer Behavior:

The study of how individuals or groups of consumers make decisions and choices regarding the purchase, use, and disposal of poultry products. It involves understanding factors that influence buying decisions and preferences.

Technological Innovations:

Advances and developments in technology that impact the marketing of poultry products. This includes the integration of digital platforms, e-commerce, and other technological solutions within the poultry industry.

Market Demand:

The quantity of poultry products that consumers are willing and able to purchase at different price levels and within a specific period. Understanding market demand is crucial for effective marketing strategies.

Digital Platforms:

Online platforms and technologies used for marketing and selling poultry products. This encompasses websites, social media, e-commerce platforms, and other digital channels.

3       E-commerce:

The buying and selling of poultry products conducted over the internet. E-commerce platforms enable online transactions and play a significant role in modern marketing practices.



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