In every field of endeavour, what makes you stand out from others is
the ability to do something differently and uniquely in such a way that
posterity will always remember the prints you left on the sands of time. In the
academic sector, uniqueness of ideas and thoughts is of paramount importance
especially when it comes to writing a research topic. Consequently, we shall be
examining how to choose a unique research topic. To begin with, we shall look
at the importance of having a unique topic
The topic dictates the tune and tone of the entire research. If the
topic it shows to a large extent that the student will carry out a good
The topic creates in the mind of anyone who reads it, a first
impression. Such an impression may influence the overall and final judgement of
the work.
A unique topic is a source of motivation for the researcher to carry
on and complete the study. Just as a dull topic will be a source of
A unique and good topic will be a source of joy to the researcher for
many future years such that you can always boast of it at all times and places
without fear or intimidation.
Personal experience
and observation of the researcher: The student’s personal observation, knowledge
or experience of some problems that deserve a research attention could lead
such a student to derive a topic from such experience
Relevant existing
literature: knowledge
about some existing theories and research findings in a particular area may
reveal a lacuna in knowledge that needs to be filled. This is also where a
researcher can key into and bring out a unique topic.
Interactions with
lecturers/colleagues: a research topic can also be borne out via discussions with a
potential supervisor, a lecturer or even among classmates and colleagues on
researchable areas.
Is the proposed topic one that really be narrowed down in scope to
produce the manageable research project? If the answer is No, then do not
proceed further
Will the proposed topic make an important contribution to knowledge?
If yes, then proceed. If no, then discontinue.
Has the topic received any minimal coverage in the journals and other
related academic publications? If yes, then go ahead with the study
Do I have sufficient interest in the research topic now and can such
interest be sustained throughout the study? If the answer to this is No, then
discontinue the topic, but if yes, then go ahead.
Can I gather sufficient data to carry out this research? If yes,
continue, but if no, discontinue.
Can I concisely and precisely state the objectives, aims, scope,
justification and limitations of the study? If yes, continue, but if no,
Brainstorming: When you brainstorm, you are looking for ideas about
the particular topic. In brainstorming, you ask yourself some salient
questions: do I have interest in that particular area? Is there a particular
knowledge I want to input?
Read wide: it is essential that you read a lot of related literature
from either the library or the internet about the topic you want to write about
so that you will have a strong footing to weather the storms of the entire
The title of your research should be concise and precise as possible
Look for keywords that you can help you to formulate a good and
captivating title.
Conclusively, with all these information put in
right perspective, you will come up with a good research topic that will leave
an indelible mark for generations to come.