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Format: MS WORD  |  Chapter: 1-5  |  Pages: 54  |  3731 Users found this project useful  |  Price NGN5,000




The purpose of this project is to produce a narrative description of the design and construction of an electronic display board. Firstly computer aided design is the modelling of physical system on computer allowing both interactive and automatics analysis of design variant and the expression of design in a form of suitable for manufacturing. This follows by explaining the electronics display board as a device which is fast gaining wide acceptance and application in the present days due to its ability to provide a very high precision timing. This can be describe as an electro-mechanical system for processing information in which the information is represented by physical quantities, which are so constrained to take only discrete valuesthan can be referred to as binary signals.

In this design, we are implored the used of both hardware and software to bring about the entire project. The hardware components are solely coordinated by the AT 89551 electronics display chip while the C-programming language is used to program the chip.


Depending on one’s intension, electronics display board system has many aims and objectives. For instance, this one in particularly aims at displaying a moveable coded letter that says “WELCOME TO SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING” also electronic display board system can be used to control the traffic minder standing among motorist especially in junctions, moreover, electronic scoreboard during football matches to used display when a goal is scored, also to display the name of that played who scored the goal, above all, this system has contributed a lot in boosting advertisement.


Electronics display board system, is a system electronically designed and constructed, that is used to display different information to the view of the masses. The information to be displayed could be diagrams, symbols letters, colours, numbers, codes etc depending on what is needed at a particular places and time. This without doubt, has made life easier for the people in different ways, however electronics display board, which is the heart of this system, can be described thus: an electronic display is a computer. All computers whether we are talking personal desktop computer you are using is a general-purpose computer than can run any of thousands of programs. Electronic n-display are special purpose computer Electronics display do one thing well, there are a number of other common characteristics, that defined electronic display if a computer matches a majority of these characteristics, then you can call it an electronics display.

1.    Electronics displays are embedded inside some other devices (often a consumer product) so that they can control the features or action of the product. Another name for an electronics display, therefore, is embedded display.

2.    Electronic display are dedicated to one task and run one specific program. The program is store in Read Only Memory (ROM) and generally does not change. Electronics displays are often low power devices. A desktop computer is almost always plugged into a well sucked and might consume 50watt of electricity. A battery operated electronics display might consume 50mw.

3.    An electronics display has a dedicated input device and often (but not always) has a small LED or LED display for output. An electronics display also take from the devices it is controlling and control the device, mean while the use of an electronics display board to implement an electronics display system design made up of LED connected in common cathode matrix form is referred to as electronic display board programmable DOT matrix information display system.  This project design is a welcome compliment that “SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING”.


Due to the various problems encountered in the manual/analyze design and construction of sign post for advertisement, there is every need for an automated electronics display system that will solve this problem. This will ensure that viewers get the adequate information that is displayed in good and attractive colours. Though the manual/analog way of displaying information to the view of the people is still targeted viewer are attracted. The height is which advertisement in Nigeria have attained will be maintained if some of its design/construction operation is computerized (electronics display board) especially the ones that has to do with bigger companies. This will also maintain the good relationship between the company and its numerous customers.


This project can serve in any aspect of life; this project (electronics display board) is a board on a computer aided design. In the implementation of this project. The scope that shall concentrate more on are: the architecture of the electronics display port interface, multiplexing the data port control sequence and algorithm of the traffic light. The features of the AT89551 were exploited to achieve the desired sequence of operation of this project.


One of the obvious constraints I had in the course of this project was the security of sometime outright. Unavailability of some of the required components in the markets. Since scarcity is followed by a high in price, when such components were even found, they were out lightly expensive. Another major constraint I had relatively short time too sources out the materials from net, libraries, etc. fully understand the underlying principles and come up with a design that would work as a result, I had to forgo pleasure and even leiture in order to achieve this.



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